Saturday 4 May 2013

A letter to my mum - review of an old post

Forgive me blog readers for I have sinned, well perhaps not sinned but I've not written anything for a while and that's almost the same thing...
This was a letter that I wrote almost 2 years ago just before my mums birthday. I did post it on my old blog but I thought it was worth looking at again.

Happy Birthday Mum
I cannot believe that tomorrow would be your 60th birthday. I miss you, every day, but on days like this I miss you even more. I still cry every now and then, especially recently. It’s been almost 7 and a half years since you died and the time has passed so quickly. So many things have happened that I wish I could tell you about. I cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve wished I could call you and have a chat like we used to. There are so many events that you’ve missed that I wished you could have been a part of, other than watching from a far. I don’t doubt that you're still about. There are times that I can feel your presence even stronger than usual, but it’s not the same, no matter what anyone says.

Every little girl wants to go shopping with her mum for her wedding dress. It’s not exactly what I got. However you were there, I know this. I bought dawn and I a locket for your funeral. I’ve got the very first picture we had taken together in it. I wear it pretty much every single day without fail, taking it off and putting it on bedside cabinet in the evening and putting it on after getting out of the shower. However about three weeks before the dress hunting began I couldn’t find it. No matter where I looked it wasn’t to be found. Saying I was gutted is a complete understatement. On the morning of the appointments I stretched out my arms, and lo and behold I touched the locket. I couldn’t believe it. Id searched there goodness knows how many times. I guess there was no way you weren’t going to be involved.

On the wedding day itself you were literally with me every step of the way. Dawn bought me my something blue, an anklet with three blue beads. I attached the locket onto it. It was an emotional day for everyone involved and just as Dawn had had to do before me, I had to go through the day without you. It was also a time when we had a lot of family come down, and you know that’s not something that happens often. The day was as perfect as it could have been. The weather held out. I didn’t cry. What’s probably more amazing is that I didn’t spill a single thing down my dress. You know how messy I can be...  

I really wish you could have met Paul. I finally think I’ve found someone that you’d actually like. He loves me more than anyone I’ve known. He is kind and caring. We make each other laugh. We get on so well and love spending time with each other. He’s my best friend and I guess you can’t ask for much more than that...

You would be so proud of Dawn. She has turned into the most amazing person. We have always been close but since that hogmanay we have become even closer. I love her to bits and wouldn’t be without her. Her and Michael are like a comedy duo. They work so well together, although I think when Dawn and I get together we drive Paul and Michael crazy...

I know, as someone who has suffered themselves, you’ll be pleased to know I’ve got my confidence back, well am well on my way to it. I still struggle with my weight but I am slowly feeling happy in my own skin. Turning 30 has been one of the best things that have ever happened to me.

I’m a very lucky girl all in all. I have the most amazing friends in the world. I’m married to a wonderful man. We have Dougal who you’d love. For the moment he is a surrogate child and if we are lucky enough to have some real children we will be proud for them to have Catherine as a middle name. If it’s a girl obviously, would be a bit weird if it were a boy. They will be shown pictures and told stories of the wonderful grandmother they will sadly never meet. I hope that I can be half the mother you were.

I know that you didn’t have an easy life before you had us. I know things weren’t easy *after* you had us. Someone once said what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I know that that isn’t always true either. You never had an easy life but I respect you for not letting it affect how much you loved us. You were over protective and it drove me nuts. You were argumentative and stubborn. You could be the most frustrating woman in the world (thank goodness I have none of your stubbornness!!!)  but I never for one second doubted that you loved us. Mum, I love you, I miss you and I will do for the rest of my life. You may not have been a perfect mother, but you were perfect for me. There will never be another like you.

Please remember I will never forget you. I hope every day that you look down on me that I will make you proud. So tomorrow I’ll buy a helium balloon with a massive big 60 on it, attach this letter to it, let go and hope it makes its way to heaven.  

With love,
Forever and for always,

Thursday 25 April 2013

When music hits you ...

Do you ever find that for the first time you 'hear' a song ? No matter how many times you've listened to it before suddenly, for some reason, the words pop out as if you were meant to be hearing them right there and then.

This happened to me again today.

As many of you know I love burlesque. There is also the movie 'Burlesque'. It isn't what I class as proper burlesque, its unlikely to win any major awards, but the sound track is amazing and its one of my guilty pleasure.

Cher has the most incredible ballad which shows off her pipes to their best. Its very moving (I think atleast). Or perhaps its just the mood I'm in. As a disclaimer I would like to say that I was on the way back from the gym having taken my first step...

Regardless it sums things up how I'm feeling *right now* and will hopefully provide some inspiration for the coming days. (Please excuse the American 'gonnas')

Feeling broken
Barely holding on
But just there's something so strong
Somewhere inside me.
And I am down, but I'll get up again.
Don't count me out just yet

I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking
But I can take it.
I'll be back - Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me.
You haven't seen the last of me.

They can say that I won't stay around
But I'm gonna stand my ground
You're not gonna stop me.
You don't know me, you don't know who I am.
Don't count me out so fast
I've been brought down to my knees
And I've been pushed way past the point of breaking,
But I can take it
I'll be back - Back on my feet
This is far from over
You haven't seen the last of me.
There will be no fade-out
This is not the end
I'm down now, but I'll be standing tall again.
Times are hard but I was built tough.
I'm gonna show you all what I'm made of.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

The first step ...

Well today was my first gym induction where I had an over view of all the equipment. I've another one tomorrow where I actually get my work out. Its incredible how advanced the equipment is (on the treadmill I can set it to climb Mount Kilimanjaro ...). Every piece has an iPod/iPhone dock, you can watch tv (lots of choice) and once you've completed that station you can down load the info onto a USB stick..
Another thing today did show me, other than the equipment obviously, is how far I've got to go. Apparently the average time for the race for a female is 1hour 6mins. Due to the rules I need to finish it within 2hours. Obviously Id like to do it quicker than that.
Today was also my first counselling session with the lovely Ruth at the IVF clinic. I knew I shouldn't have bothered putting mascara on. It was nice to talk about things with someone who deals with this all the time. I think it was a positive step forward.

Its been an emotional day. It may be a baby step but its in the right direction.

Night all x


Tuesday 23 April 2013

The start ...

Well its been 10 weeks since the miscarriage and things have been very up and down.

I made it back to work after 4 weeks and everything seemed fine for the next 4 weeks. Then I had issues with coping. I wasn't sleeping well. Having terrible dreams and even worse flashbacks. I saw the GP and got signed off.

That was just over 2 weeks ago and I've been signed off for another two weeks.

Things are still very up and down. I'm ok most of the time. I'm even better when I'm at home with the dogs, not needing to speak to anyone face to face. I know, however, this isn't normal. Or healthy. One minute I think I would be ok for work. I know its short staffed and I worry about that. However, for once, I need to concentrate on me. I know I need to make changes. I know there are no magic answers or solutions and the road wont be easy but I'm taking it a step at a time.

So here are a few "highlights" of what I've done...

  • I've been trying to get out in the fresh air more often. Most of the time this is done by walking the dogs (my gorgeous Dachshunds, Dougal and Molly). I've extended our normal route, currently walking a 4k route due to the point below.
  • Signed up for the British 10k in London - in 82 days .... For those of you who know me will understand what a HUGE thing this is. Also it has to be done in 2 hours so there is another challenge. I am planning on fund raising for TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Birth Association) in memory of our little girls. Its taking place on the 14th July - the day before they were due, which I am sure will be emotional.
  • Due to the above I've signed up for the gym today ...
  • I start counselling tomorrow - arranged by myself as the local facilities seem a bit lacking.
  • I've found the most incredible support from the TAMBA bereavement group and Southampton SANDS ladies on Facebook. Its incredible to have the support of people who have been through the same thing. To know that the feelings of utter desolation and disappointment you're going through are all normal. As someone said "Welcome to the club no one wants to be a part of".
  • Spoke to the people at the Tattoo shop as I'm planning on getting one done to commerate our girls - just have no idea what so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know...
  • Paul and I have started weight watchers - actually properly started it. Paul is doing incredibly well. I'm so proud of him and it makes things much easier. From the beginning I've lost almost 17lbs and weight slightly less than when I started the IVF treatment.
  • And I've started to write lots of blogs but not finished any (other than this one) but I plan to do a lot better, thanks to the gentle 'encouragement' from my friend Emma...
So I hope to make some more blog entries to keep anyone and everyone who is interested up to date. On top of that I think it will do *me* good to write things down.

If anyone is interested in sponsoring me for the London 10k I'd be eternally grateful and can be done on the link below. Please click gift aid if possible

Thanks again and lots of love


Wednesday 20 March 2013


Im sure those of you who know me have heard this all before.
For those of you who dont then let me introduce it.

Im starting to loose weight (again), exercise (again), tone (again)... you get the idea...

I lost some weight on Weightwatchers before my husband and I went through IVF. It was successful until, sadly, we lost our girls about 5 weeks ago. So now Im ready to start again (again).

I need to loose weight before we think about going through it all again. Ive also signed up for the British 10K in London, running for TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Birth Association) who have a bereavement group who have been incredibly supportive since our sad loss.

I am also hoping to attach pics (oh joy) or I may save that till the end

Anyways wish me luck ...